• market
  • 18/10/2018
  • 1066
  • Labelling

Implementing Regulation on the origin of the primary ingredient - is my beer impacted?

This infographic is designed to help you, brewers, to assess whether your beer is impacted by the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/775 that will apply as of 01st April 2020 and that sets rules with regards to the indication of the origin of a food's primary ingredient(s) where the origin of the food is indicated and that it is different than that of the primary ingredient(s).


The infographic details the steps to follow to assess whether your beer is impacted and, in case it is, it also lays down the main labelling impacts. 


If you want to go further, you can refer to The Brewers of Europe Guidance Note on Origin Labelling available on BrewUp available here.

  • market
  • 17/10/2018
  • 1269
  • Labelling

Origin Labelling

This Guidance is designed to assist breweries in understanding the rules pertaining to the origin indication as laid down in the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Article 26 of Regulation (EU)1169/2011) that applies to beer throughout the European Union.


This Guidance has been updated in October 2018 to assist breweries in understanding the rules laid down in Implementing Regulation (EU) 775/2018 on the indication of the origin of the primary ingredients of food.

  • market
  • 21/03/2018
  • 1758
  • Labelling

Toolkit to calculate nutritional values

This toolkit has been developed jointly by The Brewers of Europe and the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and aims at helping brewers to determine the nutritional values of their beers in order to share:

  • the energy value only; or
  • The full nutritional declaration.

The toolkit has been designed to draw brewers' attention to available methods that would help them to calculate the nutritional values of their beer. It contains references to existing (and publicly available) methods and also advice on how they are able to deduce or calculate the data based on data available.

  • market
  • 25/12/2016
  • 1183
  • Labelling

Allergen labelling

This Guidance is designed to assist breweries in implementing the mandatory allergen declaration as laid down in the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Regulation (EU)1169/2011) that applies to beer throughout the European Union

  • market
  • 25/12/2016
  • 1278
  • Labelling

The Brewers of Europe Guide to Nutrition Declaration

This Guidance is designed to assist breweries in providing the nutrition declaration for their beers (mandatory for beers up to 1.2% abv and voluntary for beers of more than 1.2% abv)  as laid down in the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Regulation (EU)1169/2011) that applies throughout the European Union.

  • market
  • 20/12/2015
  • 1258
  • Labelling

Ingredient and QUID labelling

This Guidance is designed to assist breweries in listing the ingredients and, where necessary, in indicating the quantity of the ingredients, following the rules laid down in the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Regulation (EU)1169/2011) that applies to beer throughout the European Union.

  • market
  • 20/12/2015
  • 1094
  • Labelling

Gluten free / Very low gluten

This Guidance is designed to assist breweries in implementing the EU legislation with respect to the ‘gluten-free’ and ‘very low gluten’ labelling.

  • market
  • 23/12/2012
  • 595
  • Labelling


This Technical Information Sheet aims at assisting breweries in their awareness and understanding of this TIS’ topics in relation to labelling requirements. Please read the Guidance on the use of The Brewers of Europe Technical Information Sheet.

  • market
  • 23/12/2012
  • 770
  • Labelling

Additives vs processing aids

This BBPA Briefing Note aims at assisting breweries in their awareness and understanding of this BBPA Briefing Notes’ topics in relation to labelling requirements. Please read the Guidance on use of the BBPA Briefing Notes.

  • market
  • 23/12/2012
  • 690
  • Labelling

Calorific value of beer

This BBPA Briefing Note aims at assisting breweries in their awareness and understanding of this BBPA Briefing Notes’ topics in relation to labelling requirements. Please read the Guidance on use of the BBPA Briefing Notes.

  • market
  • 23/12/2012
  • 633
  • Labelling


This BBPA Briefing Note aims at assisting breweries in their awareness and understanding of this BBPA Briefing Notes’ topics in relation to labelling requirements. Please read the Guidance on use of the BBPA Briefing Notes.

  • market
  • 23/12/2012
  • 591
  • Labelling

Nutrients in malt

This BBPA Briefing Note aims at assisting breweries in their awareness and understanding of this BBPA Briefing Notes’ topics in relation to labelling requirements. Please read the Guidance on use of the BBPA Briefing Notes.

  • market
  • 23/12/2012
  • 619
  • Labelling

vegetarians and vegans

This BBPA Briefing Note aims at assisting breweries in their awareness and understanding of this BBPA Briefing Notes’ topics in relation to labelling requirements. Please read the Guidance on use of the BBPA Briefing Notes.

  • market
  • 25/12/2011
  • 1313
  • Labelling

Guidance on nutrition claims

This Guidance is designed to assist breweries in implementing EU legislation on nutrition claims as provided for by Regulation 1924/2006/EC.

  • market
  • 21/12/2008
  • 592
  • Labelling

Allergenic reactions

This BBPA Briefing Note aims at assisting breweries in their awareness and understanding of this BBPA Briefing Notes’ topics in relation to labelling requirements. Please read the Guidance on use of the BBPA Briefing Notes.