• advocate
  • 27/10/2017
  • 1087
  • Policies

Alcohol Policy in Sweden - 2009

In this report, commissioned by The Brewers of Europe, the Swedish Retail Institute, HUI, has analysed the success and failures of Swedish alcohol policy. The Swedish Retail Institute, HUI, was founded in 1968 and is owned by The Swedish Trade Federation. HUI conducts its research activity together with several external researchers and in cooperation with a number of Swedish universities. HUI is well-known in the Swedish society for its seriousity, integrity and independence

  • advocate
  • 27/10/2017
  • 1270
  • State of play

HSBC Infographics

This Infographics highlight the decreasing trends in underage drinking over the last 12 years in European countries. They are based on the publicly available data from the Health Behaviours in School-aged Children, a project supported by WHO Europe that collects a set of comparable data throughout European countries.

  • advocate
  • 27/10/2017
  • 1207
  • Commitment

WBA 2008 report

This report contains information from the 2007 / 2008 survey of drinking and driving undertaken by the Worldwide Brewing Alliance (WBA).

  • advocate
  • 27/10/2017
  • 1016
  • Policies

IPSOS Study 2009 on price and consumers' behaviour

This survey assesses the effect of price increases of alcoholic beverages on consumers’ purchasing and drinking patterns and European citizens’ perceptions of the most effective measures to help reduce alcohol-related harm.

  • advocate
  • 25/12/2016
  • 1334
  • Commitment

Beer Pledge Report 2017

This report constitutes the third review of the implementation of the Beer Pledge and looks back over the whole 2012-2015 period of the Pledge. It represents a snapshot of initiatives carried out by brewers, through associations, companies and broad coalitions, in line with and contributing to, the implementation of the three pillars of the European Beer Pledge – (i) consumer information, (ii) responsible advertising, and (iii) programs to tackle alcohol misuse.

  • advocate
  • 25/12/2016
  • 937
  • Commitment

The Brewers of Europe Commitment report - 2009

This is the first interim report on the implementation of The Brewers of Europe’s commitments to the European Alcohol and Health Forum. It covers the first two commitment waves, made in December 2007 and July 2008, and offers the reader an overview of the background, baseline, progress and next steps in relation to the 25 commitments so far filed.

  • advocate
  • 25/12/2016
  • 1168
  • Commitment

WBA 2007 Report

This report collects the social responsibility activities of the brewing sector throughout the world. It was published in 2007.

  • advocate
  • 25/12/2016
  • 948
  • Commitment

Developing best practice in drinking & driving campaigns

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to prevent drink-driving. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to prevent drink-driving.

  • advocate
  • 01/06/2016
  • 1069
  • State of play

Independent review of issues related to alcohol consumption in Europe

This report aims at providing a better understanding of areas for which there appeared to be conflicting views or ambiguity in the scientific literature in 2006 (European Cultural Differences and Alcohol Consumption; Total Consumption of Alcohol and Drinking Patterns: Implications for Harm; Risks and Benefits of Alcohol Consumption: The Role of Moderate Drinking; Adverse Social Consequences of Alcohol Consumption; and Influences on Adolescence Drinking.)

  • advocate
  • 25/12/2011
  • 1023
  • Commitment

Drinking and Pregnancy

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to inform consumers about drinking and pregnancy. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to inform consumers about drinking and pregnancy.

  • advocate
  • 25/12/2011
  • 1021
  • Commitment

Underage drinking

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to prevent underage drinking. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to prevent underage

  • advocate
  • 25/12/2011
  • 894
  • Commitment

Combatting binge drinking

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to prevent binge drinking. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to prevent drink driving.