- 24/10/2018
- 562
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- Microbiological Techniques
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- 2011
2.1.1 - Dry Heat Sterilisation
A laboratory method for the sterilisation of utensils which should be kept dry and are resistant to high temperature. Descriptors: dry heat sterilisation, hot dry air
A laboratory method for the sterilisation of utensils which should be kept dry and are resistant to high temperature. Descriptors: dry heat sterilisation, hot dry air
A laboratory method for sterilisation of materials which can withstand moist heat. Descriptors: autoclaving, autoclave
A laboratory method for sterilisation of media with constituents which will decompose if exposed to temperatures above 100 °C. Descriptors: intermittent sterilisation (tyndallisation), bacterial spores, steam chamber.
It is necessary to use EBC Microbiology 2.1.2
A general method for stabilising fluids like media, beer or wort which should not be exposed to temperatures above 100 °C in tightly closed vessels. Descriptors: pasteurisation, kill microorganisms by heat, Pasteurisation Units, tunnel pasteuriser for bottled beer, PU.
It is necessary to use EBC Microbiology 2.1.2
A laboratory method for the sterilisation of large volumes of heat sensitive liquids. The liquid must not contain particles which block the pores of the membrane. Descriptors: sterile filtration, removal of microorganisms, pore size, pressure filtration, vacuum filtration.
Descriptors: hygienic sampling, secondary contamination, microbiological sampling, flaming, steaming, rinsing with alcohol.
Aseptic sampling from tanks or pipelines through rubber diaphragms. Descriptors: hypodermic needle, safest of all methods with regard to aseptic sampling, sample fitting.
Aseptic sampling from tanks or pipelines through plug type sample cocks.
Aseptic sampling from tanks and pipelines through valve type samplers.
On line membrane filtration to collect oxygen tolerant microorganisms from a standardised, limited volume or through a bypass for a certain time. Descriptors: filterable liquid samples, membrane filter, pore size
Aseptic sampling without losing CO2. Descriptors: Counterpressure Sampling, shelf life of bulk beer.
It is necessary to use EBC Microbiology
Collection of samples for the determination of the number of brewers' yeast cells (i.e. for an analysis of physical rather than microbiological characteristics). Descriptors: Sampling for Yeast Cell Counts, Copper sulphate
Aseptic sampling from the top of an open vessel. Descriptors: sampling of thick pitching yeast
Aseptic sampling of thick yeast from a tank. Descriptors: sampling of thick pitching yeast from closed vessels, diaphragm, valve, sample cock.
It is necessary to use EBC Microbiology, and
Aseptic collection of dry yeast samples.
Aseptic sampling of water from existing taps. Descriptors: raw water, processed water
Sampling from wells where no tap exists. Descriptors: raw water.
Aseptic sampling from large tanks which are accessible only from the top. Descriptors: raw water, open water reservoirs
Preparation of sampling flasks for neutralisation of chlorine. Descriptors. chlorinated raw water, chlorine disinfectants, sodium thiosulphate
Aseptic collection of microorganisms from process gases. Descriptors. sampling of contaminants from compressed gases, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, air, "bubble" bottle.
It is necessary to use EBC Microbiology 4.6.3
Collection of microorganisms from atmospheric air. Descriptors: air in yeast rooms, packing halls, microbiological laboratories, air and dust-borne microorganisms
Aseptic collection of bottles before the filling machine. Descriptors: cleaning control, returnable bottles, one-way (non returnable) bottles, cans for flash pasteurised beer.
It is necessary to use EBC Microbiology 2.3.2, and
Sampling for hygiene monitoring of filling machines. This method is applicable to bottling and canning machines used in flash pasteurization or aseptic filling operations. Descriptors: collection control.
Sampling for cleaning control of crowners. Descriptors: seaming machines, flash pasteurised beer.
Rinsing for cleaning control. Descriptors: water from kegs and casks.
Aseptic collection of last rinse water for cleaning control. Descriptors: tanks, pipes
Swabbing for cleaning control. Descriptors: swab test, surface control, swab stick.
Sampling techniques allowing detection of strict anaerobic bacteria such as Pectinatus and Megasphaera. Descriptors: anaerobic sample handling.
A dilution technique for samples which are expected to contain too many microorganisms for immediate plating, i.e. more than 1,000 cfu per ml. Descriptors: dilution of samples, cell concentration, dilution series
A laboratory filtration technique for liquid samples which contain too few microorganisms for the detection by plating methods, i.e. less than 1 colony forming unit per ml. Descriptors: for water, filtered beer, soft drinks, mambrane filtration, membrane filter, pore size.