- 22/10/2018
- 760
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- Malt
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- 1997
4.1 - Sampling of Malt
This document deals with methods for sampling malts.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1
This document deals with methods for sampling malts.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1
The determination of the moisture content of all malts by loss in mass on drying under specified conditions. The ISO Method for moisture content of grain (ISO 712-1985) which is used for barley (EBC Method 3.2) must not be used for malt as the conditions of drying are such that chemical condensations occur in which water is formed as a product of reaction.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 1.1 and 4.1
The determination of the total nitrogen content of malt by a Kjeldahl procedure.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.3.1
The determination of the total nitrogen content of malt by a combustion method based on the Dumas principle.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.3.2
The determination of average corn weight as a measure of barley quality.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.4
The determination of the potential of malt for producing wort solubles by a standard mashing programme. This procedure is also used for the determination of saccharification rate, odour, speed of filtration, pH of wort, colour, viscosity of wort, soluble nitrogen content and free amino nitrogen content.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.1 , 8.2.1 or 8.2.2, 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 and 8.3
The determination of the modification of malt.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.1 and 4.5.1
The determination of Hot Water Extract of ale, lager and distilling malts using a constant temperature infusion mashing procedure of a coarsely ground sample (0,7 mm). The wort produced by this mashing procedure is used for ancillary analyses, such as the determination of saccharification rate, colour, viscosity of wort, soluble nitrogen content, free amino nitrogen content, fermentability, and pH. Fine/coarse difference may be derived by simultaneously determining the Hot Water Extract of a more finely ground grist (0,2 mm) from a second test portion of the malt sample.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.1 and 4.1
The determination of cold water extract of malt.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.1 and 4.1
The determination of the colour of worts produced from a laboratory extract of malt by a spectrophotometric method. This method has been adopted as the reference method in preference to the more subjective visual method.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.5.1 or 4.6.1 and 4.6.2
The determination of colour in malt wort using a colour comparator. Descriptors: transmission of the ebc scale glasses
it is necessary to use EBC Method 4.1
The determination of viscosity of worts produced during the course of malt analysis, using an appropriate viscometer.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 8.4
The determination of the total nitrogen content of won, prepared during the course of malt analysis, by a Kjeldahl procedure.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 3.3.1 and 4.5.1
The determination of soluble nitrogen in unhopped wort from malt by spectrophotometry.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.2, 4.9.1, 4.2 and 4.5.1
The determination of the total nitrogen content in wort, prepared during the course of malt analysis, by the Dumas combustion method. Descriptors: calculate the soluble nitrogen content as a percentage of dry malt.
it is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.2, 4.5.1 or 4.6
The determination of the free amino nitrogen content of malt using colorimetry with ninhydrin. The method gives an estimate of amino acids, ammonia and, in addition, the terminal nitrogen groups of peptides and proteins. Proline is partially estimated at the wavelength used. The method is not specific for α-amino nitrogen since γ-amino butyric acid, which is present in malt worts, also gives a colour reaction with ninhydrin.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.5.1 or 4.6.1 and 8.10
The determination of the fermentability of wort using a yeast procedure. Descriptors: fermentability from the equation, original gravity of the wort and the present gravity of the fermented filtrate, calculate the percentage apparent attenuation, percentage real attenuation, fermentable extract
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.1, 4.5.1 or 4.6.1
The determination of the fermentabílity of wort using a rapid yeast procedure. This method is given for guideline purposes only. It must be considered that the rapid method may lead to lower results compared to the reference method. Descriptors: original gravity of the wort and the present gravity of the fermented filtrate, percentage apparent attenuation, percentage real attenuation.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.1, 4.5.1 or 4.6.1
The determination of the amount of fermentable sugars in unboiled laboratory malt worts using a yeast procedure. Descriptors: calculate soluble extract, real fermentability, fermentable extract.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.6.1 and 4.1
The determination of the combined activity of α- and β-amylase of malt under standardized reaction conditions.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 1.1
The determination of the combined activity of α- and β-amylase of malt under standardized reaction conditions.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.12.1 and 4.13
The determination of the α-amylase activity of malt as the dextrinization time of a standardized starch solution in the presence of excess β-amylase.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 1.1
Estimation of the average modification as a percentage and the homogeneity of barley malt. Descriptors: MicroFluo calculation file, modification, variance, square of the standard deviation, homogeneity.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 4.1
The estimation of friability, wholly and partly unmodified grains in malt. Descriptors: calculate the friability, calculate the glassy corns, calculate the amount of partly unmodified grains.
it is necessary to use EBC Methods 3.11.1 and 4.1
Determination of the high molecular weight mixed linkage (1,3) (1,4) ß-D-glucan (ß-glucan) fraction present in malt.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.10.1
Determination of the total mixed linkage (1,3)(1,4)-β-D-glucan (β-glucan) content of malt.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.10.2, 4.5.1 or 4.6.1
Determination of the soluble high molecular weight mixed linkage (1,3)(1,4) β-D glucan (β-glucan) fraction present in malt.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.2 and 4.5.1.
The determination of moisture and protein content in malt by near infrared spectroscopy.
it is necessary to use EBC Methods 4.2 and 4.3.1
The determination of the colour of congress wort after two hours of boiling under reflux.
The determination of the barley variety(ies) in a malt sample by acid polyacnylamide gel electrophoresis.